We are a horticultural, non-profit society devoted to Begonia plants established in 1938. We are based in Massachusetts, serving several New England states, the U.S., and the world. Welcome to our website!
Please click on the headers at the top of our web pages to move through our site. If you have any questions about our society or our website, please don't hesitate to contact us or click on the Contact Us link found on the menus at the very top of our web pages. Check out our social media links found at the bottom/footer of all of our web pages.
Please click on the headers at the top of our web pages to move through our site. If you have any questions about our society or our website, please don't hesitate to contact us or click on the Contact Us link found on the menus at the very top of our web pages. Check out our social media links found at the bottom/footer of all of our web pages.
Doors open at 9:30AM for plants for sale and socializing, followed by the formal program at 10:00AM.
Doors open at 9:30AM for plants for sale and socializing, followed by the formal program at 10:00AM.
March 1: A talk from PNW member and owner/operator of In Search of Small Things, specializing in rare plant propagation with many beautiful begonias. We’re giving Emily her choice of a topic which is sure to be fascinating. Find her @insearchofsmallthings on instagram.
April 5: Our own Betsy will present teach us how to grown and display an award winning begonia, what goes into preparation for entering a begonia in a judged show, and share her experience as an official judge.
Our meetings are always open to the public, so we encourage you to bring a friend or neighbor to share your interest in begonias.
April 5: Our own Betsy will present teach us how to grown and display an award winning begonia, what goes into preparation for entering a begonia in a judged show, and share her experience as an official judge.
Our meetings are always open to the public, so we encourage you to bring a friend or neighbor to share your interest in begonias.
Was on September 21st and 22nd at the New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill in Boylston, MA. Congrats to our People’s Choice Winners! 1st Place – Alexis' Begonia melanobullata 2nd Place – Bob's Begonia hemsleyana 3rd Place – Zash's Alocasia 'Black Velvet' 3rd Place – Dick's Rex cultivar |
Was on September 16th and 17th at the New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill in Boylston, MA. Congrats to our People’s Choice Winners! 1st Place – Rick Fadden’s Begonia Fedor 2nd Place – Bob Stewart’s Begonia bogneri 3rd Place – Betsy Szymczak’s Begonia staudtii 3rd Place – Cindy Brown – Begonia abdullahpieei Photos from our entire show are pending listings of plant categories, plant names and owners before posting.
For photos of our entries in our 2022 Exhibition Show and Sale click here
Our 2022 Begonia Exhibition took place September 24th and 25th, 2022 at the New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill in West Boylston, MA! We had lots of people see the show and buy plants, and ask questions on growing Begonias! Thanks to all of the volunteers who put together the show, who fed us, and who brought in their plants to show, though it was a cold and breezy entry day!
This was a non-judged show, and three Peoples Choice Awards were given out to the following: First Place: Jocelyn Sherman for her B. 'Randy MK2' entered under Div E Rhizo Class 7 Large Leaf entry. Second Place: Bob Stewart for his B. bogneri entered in Div I Contained Atmosphere Class 13 Entry 42. Third Place: Bob Stewart for his B. scapigera entered in Div L Species Class 16 Entry 36. |

Our 2021 Begonia Exhibition and Plant Sale
Our 2021 Begonia Exhibition and Plant Sale held September 21, 2021 was a success thanks to all of the Buxton members who volunteered to register and stage plants, and coordinate and present our well attended demos.
While we did not hold a judged show, we had quite a few interesting begonia specimens to look at, and we awarded three entries First, Second and Third People's Choice Ribbons.
Photos of all of the entries on our 2021 Begonia Exhibition and Plant Sale are available here.
Below is a slideshow of various aspects of our Begonia Exhibition and Plant Sale.
Our 2021 Begonia Exhibition and Plant Sale held September 21, 2021 was a success thanks to all of the Buxton members who volunteered to register and stage plants, and coordinate and present our well attended demos.
While we did not hold a judged show, we had quite a few interesting begonia specimens to look at, and we awarded three entries First, Second and Third People's Choice Ribbons.
Photos of all of the entries on our 2021 Begonia Exhibition and Plant Sale are available here.
Below is a slideshow of various aspects of our Begonia Exhibition and Plant Sale.
Of Interest:
Our September 2021 meeting was "Begonia Hacks and Learning Experiences in the last 18 months". We held a Plant-A-Palooza where members took turns coming up to tables to purchase plants from our brimming plant tables at this meeting! One hack presented at the meeting was how to extend the height of the plastic salad bowls many of us use to grow begonias requiring enclosed terrariums. You can read a step by step for building a height extension for the large bowls by clicking here.
Our September 2021 meeting was "Begonia Hacks and Learning Experiences in the last 18 months". We held a Plant-A-Palooza where members took turns coming up to tables to purchase plants from our brimming plant tables at this meeting! One hack presented at the meeting was how to extend the height of the plastic salad bowls many of us use to grow begonias requiring enclosed terrariums. You can read a step by step for building a height extension for the large bowls by clicking here.
From our February 2021 Zoom Meeting, Mike Mack shared his effective and much safer methods of dealing with begonia plant pests- Mealybugs. A description of his method is available here.
At our November 2019 meeting, Mike Mack made a terrific presentation on how he built an Indoor Greenhouse in his basement for his various begonia plants. It is complete with humidity, air circulation, and light controls, and was built on a reasonable budget. The presentation made at the Buxton Meeting is available here.
At our November 2019 meeting, Mike Mack made a terrific presentation on how he built an Indoor Greenhouse in his basement for his various begonia plants. It is complete with humidity, air circulation, and light controls, and was built on a reasonable budget. The presentation made at the Buxton Meeting is available here.
Our past President, Betsy Szymczak, has written a brief report for the three Flower Shows she participated in (Feb. - March 2019). The report includes the Connecticut, the Philadelphia, and the Boston Flower Shows, with photos.
Our Large Bay Window Exhibit at the 2019 Boston Flower Show won a Blue Ribbon!!
December's Holiday Potluck Luncheon held in conjunction with the New England Gesneriad Society was great fun, and we thank Stuart for hosting this at his home, and allowing us to wander thru his warm and inviting greenhouse on a cold rainy December day. For some pictures from this event Click Here. |
Plant of the Month
At our monthly meetings, one of our begonia expert growers brings in one plant, and describes its background or history as well as their specific experiences growing it. Click here for past plants. |