August 2019
Peter Shalit, Editor of Gesneriads - The Journal for Gesneriad Growers, has informed us that Judy Becker, a long time member of the Gesneriad Society, a former Registrar, and Commercial Grower of gesneriads, begonias, and orchids, and a faithful supporter of Buxton, passed away August 19, 2019.
She was very knowledgeable, and was a great teacher, willing to take the time help you understand, grow, and show great plants.
She was involved with the Connecticut Orchid Society as well, and the Hartford Courant in March 2003 quoted her at a show she helped organize: "There should be more out there than a lecture for people to go and sit at," Becker said. "And if you want to help people get educated, you have to do more than stand and look at your own flowers."
Judy, RIP, you will be missed greatly.
Peter Shalit, Editor of Gesneriads - The Journal for Gesneriad Growers, has informed us that Judy Becker, a long time member of the Gesneriad Society, a former Registrar, and Commercial Grower of gesneriads, begonias, and orchids, and a faithful supporter of Buxton, passed away August 19, 2019.
She was very knowledgeable, and was a great teacher, willing to take the time help you understand, grow, and show great plants.
She was involved with the Connecticut Orchid Society as well, and the Hartford Courant in March 2003 quoted her at a show she helped organize: "There should be more out there than a lecture for people to go and sit at," Becker said. "And if you want to help people get educated, you have to do more than stand and look at your own flowers."
Judy, RIP, you will be missed greatly.