Begonia National convention 2015 photos
Our Buxton Branch hosted the American Begonia Society's Annual Convention in Natick, MA., July 29- August 2nd, 2015.
Here are a few quick snaps of the Plant Show and some of the Division Winners followed by a Gallery of Photos of the rest of the plants in the show, plus some photos of the Plant Sale Room. Apologies for not having labels on all of the photos-- these were just quick pics taken by Gloria Utzig for personal use.
Here are a few quick snaps of the Plant Show and some of the Division Winners followed by a Gallery of Photos of the rest of the plants in the show, plus some photos of the Plant Sale Room. Apologies for not having labels on all of the photos-- these were just quick pics taken by Gloria Utzig for personal use.
The Plant Show had quite a few entries, including an ABS record breaking number of terrarium grown plants.
Begonia taliensis grown by Darrin Norton, Mountain Orchids
New Introductions by Commercial Grower: B. 'Fire Breathing Dragon' and B. 'Diamond Swirl', by Harmony Foliage Farm
Best In Show - Begonia 'Marmaduke'
Begonia petasitifolia by Bob Stewart
Begonia grown by Wanda Macnair
Begonia 'Phoe's Cleo'
Begonia velloziana grown by Andrew Norris
Begonia 'Fedor's Sister' grown by Sharon Rozensweig and Begonia 'Sparks Will Fly' grown by Dee Stewart
Begonia bogneri grown by Bob Stewart
Best Terrarium grown by Johanna Zinn
Begonia crassicaulis grown by Bob Stewart
Another beauty grown by Bob Stewart
Begonia 'Hugh McLaughlin' grown by Priscilla Purinton
Begonia 'His Majesty' grown by Gloria Utzig, Begonia U561 grown by Stuart Hammer
Begonia paulensis grown by Deborah Taylor Kwasniewski, Taylor Greenhouses
Plant Show photo Gallery
The Plant Sale Room getting prepped for tonight's 7PM opening to attendees, and tomorrow from 9-5PM to the general public.